Monday, May 4, 2009


When You Want It To Be More Than Just A Hobby

DivingScuba Diving. Are you tried of your normal workday? It probably seems that there's nothing more to life than driving to work in the morning, working with uncooperative colleagues, getting very tired, and then drive back home. Add to that all the noise and air pollution you encounter along the way.

If you're adventurous and unconventional enough, a career in scuba diving may be right for you. Usually, those who pursue scuba diving careers were scuba diving enthusiasts who wish to take their hobby a little further. Scuba diving couldn't possibly be compared to other career choices.

Instead of causing stress, it is a rejuvenating activity. You get paid by doing something you like. You get to impart your knowledge on the sport with other people who share your interest. In scuba diving, there's no unappreciative boss and annoying colleagues

Starting a scuba diving is a bit like other careers, though. You should have that extreme interest in diving, and then develop your abilities to working on that. Though it seems so easy since scuba diving sounds all about fun, there's more to learn to become a scuba diving instructor. You would have to master not only the craft of teaching but also develop an expertise in diving.

Like other professionals, scuba diving instructors also used to be students. They began with easier courses on scuba diving and then slowly moved on to more advanced courses.

Of course, through the process, they were able to see more to scuba diving than just having fun while diving. They were able to see a different side of scuba diving that encourages them to share the sport to others.

If you ask any scuba diver instructor, he'll probably tell you so much about what scuba diving has to offer. For the love of the sport and the desire to let others experience the beauty of scuba diving, they ended up being a scuba diver instructor.

Although you might think that scuba diver instructors know everything there is to learn, the truth is there is still so much to learn about scuba diving. Scuba diving is an evolving activity. it is used by the military and scientists as well.

Nobody can possibly learn everything about scuba diving.

That's why more and more people are getting interested in scuba diving. It offers a whole new world and constantly opens more doors to exploring the mysteries of the underwater life. If you are up to this challenge, then you should seriously consider a career in scuba diving.

To be a scuba diving instructor, you would first need to be a dive master. There are a lot of several scuba diving schools or agencies where you could get a certification of being a dive master.

By the end of an instructor development course, you are expected to learn more than just the basics of diving.

You'll be taught about diving standards, safety and regulations and the scuba diving system as it relates to the law. Of course, you'll learn several techniques that you can employ to effectively teach your future students.

This extensive course will definitely make you master of scuba diving. You'll learn everything you need to know to kick start your career in scuba diving. Of course, the rest of the learning process will follow once you have started your craft. Like many other careers, you only get about 20% of the knowledge from training, and you derive the rest in the real world.


As a scuba diving instructor, scuba divers could expect a lot from you. You need to be able to teach scuba divers how to safely scuba dive and at the same time have fun. That is quite a responsibility.

Your students have placed their life's security on your hands, but that doesn't mean it'll be easy to teach them how to stay safe and remain alive while underwater.

There are also other things you have to look into in pursuing a career as a scuba diver instructor. Like other careers, there's much marketing involved. You may have to learn a little on sales literature and product marketing. You don't have to buy everything they advertise but you need to understand the scuba diving business industry. The market in scuba diving largely affects your job and your students as well.

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28 komentar:

NURA said...

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riky said...


CR 9 said...

Sedang membangun blog, sering sering mampir dan kasih saran ya.
Pengen juga nyelam tapi takut hiu. hehehe

d3nfx said...

salam kenal sob

ebenk789 said...

Nice post friend :)

Anonymous said...

Seneng dikunjungi kwan yang satu ini......sangat..sangat jenius!!! Boleh neh ajari saya dlm mngelola blog. Habis baru bljar seh...? Thanks 4 your visit.

pyou said...

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Santai Disini by : Jianto said...

diving and fun with you

harus ikut .......... said...


teakoes said...

Salam kenal...:)
kapan ya kesampaian bs diving, cm bs mimpi aja neh...
btw, kunjungi web ku ya, smoga ada artikel yg bermanfaat :)

milanisti indonesia said...

maju terus blogger indonesia

hakiem79 said...

Thanks 4 visiting myblog, It's nice adventure ...

rachmat said...

ini mah, sambil menyelam cuci mata :)

online-uang-online said...

salam kenal, . . . .

Nara said...

makasih sudah berkunjung di
salam kenal

Nophie said...

wow, keren bgt tuh pic na....

sugiri said...

blognya keren sob..jadi pengin myelem nih

jrinkhetfield said...

sambil menyelam jgn smpe minum air yak... Menyelam: pengin juga rasanya...

Muhammad Ikhsan said...

Salam kenal sob...

Social Reject Morganista said...

ingin rasanya melepas kepenatan dan kebosanan hidup dengan berenang di air yang jernih.tapi sayang, saya gak bisa berenang...

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he he he makasih atas kunjungannya, namun maaf ya aku paling takut nih pada kedalaman air bos

Aisyah said...

baguss ni...

imelda said...

skidding to say hi.


Kapan Ya, bisa ikutan menyelam....,
Pengen Banget Liat Syurga dunia dasar laut.

Idealisticalith said...

That must be GREAT experience if I could follow the diving team,hehe... :D

con said...

hello sorry for my late visit here

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indah banget pemandangan di bawah laut...

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