Tuesday, August 11, 2009

River boarding Game Equipment

River boarding Game Equipment. If the carrier and trekking shoes are basic equipment in mountain climbing, the basic equipment river boarding course river board. After that there is safety equipment, the jacket, helmet, and knee cap and the tibia. In addition, frogs have shoes as equipment adjuvant.

Surfboard River

There are two types of material used to make river board modern, which is a mixture of foam rubber and plastic bump resistance. The most developed is a foam board, because the more impact-resistant. Hollow plastic board is generally used in the rivers that are not much or more in the stone. Not heavy, about 7 kg. Can be made with the Aerodynamic shape, so often used for speed and slalom competitions. While the board rubber foam weighing between 7-15 kg. There are special forms of racing, free style, boogie, and rescue.

Riverboarding Game Equipment

Even though the children usually play in the village which is quite swift river wearing only shorts, vest Still River boarding in absolute terms. First, because we are not too familiar with the characters as their river. If we pool skills are superb as the adventurer, the guidelines on safety should not ignore if we want to do the responsible activity. Second, not the perpetrators of more secret activities in the generally open nature inflame if the greater the risk. Small cascade, which may still be safe enough without a life jacket forded by skilful swimmer, quickly became less challenging if we are carrying a surfboard. Without realizing we will exceed the limit in order to find a more rapid weight. So, always use a jacket since the beginning. Vest the right to float the river this is the usual pro-worn kayak. Unlike the vest for rafting, kayaking vest worn as we wear T-shirt, or with reselecting in the future, the webbing tape on both sides.

Riverboarding Game Equipment
Helm River

With the same jacket, helmet for absolute safety. Helmet that is used for regular rafting sufficient. However, in line with the increase in river level of difficulty that we select, consider a special helmet that covers the ears and works to protect the head side. Helm special surfing river also have eye protectors, such as motorcycle helmets, this is to prevent our eyes from the water that can be sore if we crash in high speed. If using a helmet, we can enter the cascade with large eyes wide open.

Riverboarding Game Equipment

Knee cap and the tibia

As well as helmets, knee cap and have dried the bones specifically designed for river surfing. But it is quite safe when replaced with a protective softball. Has a special protective shell knee cap, which ignites with more soft material for protecting bone dry.

Frog Shoes

Unlike the vest, helmet and protective feet, which is a requirement of safety, shoes, fin swimming frogs or do we make it easier to maneuver. Without fin we may only be brought out flow. Frog shoes can not be used if we only want to have fun in the flow that does not unduly downpours. Fin that we do not need to select the top quality, just a middle-class only, with the price of one hundred thousand more. Fin to surfing the river forms a short and somewhat rigid. Fin can help us go faster than the flow of the river, so it is able to avoid the vortex that we do not want to skip, or even entering a challenging rapid.

Riverboarding Game Equipment
Other equipment

Some equipment can increase the enjoyment we surfing in a river. Motorcycle gloves can reduce the risk of a hand grip abrasions exposed surfboard. Swimming glasses, if we do not use a special helmet wear protective eye, we will create a more durable in the water without eyes to become red. For those who wear glasses minus, you can buy glasses with lenses in accordance pool dioptri glasses. There are also entering a wet suit (wetsuit) to this list, because it can help to avoid abrasions, if the shallow part of the river and many miles, also add a power float (buoyancy), although slightly hamper movement. Other additional equipment is a bag of water (hydration pack), especially if we surf all day long-distance, because although there are always in the water, lack of body fluids fell ill ease muscle cramps.

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3 komentar:

Blog Ijo said...

pake bahasa bule..

fachrizal said...

Kunjungan Jinak . . .

eka said...

great post and kep blogging ya

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