Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blue Ridge Parkway

Every weekend this October, the Blue Ridge Parkway invites the public to join the celebration at Mabry Mill where free special programs will highlight the area.

Fall Gathering Days will happen on October 8, 15, and 22 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Wood smoke and the smell of apple butter boiling signal fall. Come help with chores associated with the fall season, like making apple butter and making and drying fruits and vegetables. See other chores common to the area in the early 1900s such as wheel-making, chair-making, basket-making, and fiber arts demonstrations.

Mabry Mill, as always, will have traditional string band music of the Carroll, Patrick, and Floyd County areas each Sunday afternoon through October 23 from 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM. Enjoy the Blue Ridge Thunderbirds (October 2), Mountain Ivy (October 9), South Fork Ramblers (October 16), Mountain Ivey (October 24). Bring a lawn chair and your flat footin' shoes.

Corn grinding and mill talks take place each Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 3:00 PM.

Building a water-powered mill was Ed Mabry's dream, and he accomplished it in innovative ways. Learn about this icon of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the role the mill and the Mabrys played in the community. See the grist mill in operation.

The Mabry Mill Restaurant and Gift Shop is open 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM daily through the end of October. Local authors will be signing books on October 15 & 22 and a Halloween "party" with ghosts, goblins, and special treats will happen on that day. Enjoy the fall color "special" of chicken pot pie, spiced apples, fried green tomatoes, and coffee or tea for $6.95 through October.


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