Sunday, November 6, 2011

Black bears causing property damage in Pisgah National Forest

The U.S. Forest Service website is reporting that a black bear has caused property damage in the Turkey Pen Trailhead area in the Pisgah Ranger District near the Transylvania/Henderson County line. Property has also been destroyed by bears at a campsite near the intersection of South Mills River Trail (#133) and Poundingmill Trail (#349). Campers, hikers and others visiting the national forests should practice safety at all times as bears appear to be especially active this year. The public is encouraged to prevent bear interactions by taking the following steps:

* Clean up food or garbage around fire rings, grills or other areas of your campsite.
Keep food in secure containers and do not leave food unattended.

* If you encounter a bear � never run. Back up slowly and make noise so the bear knows you�re there.

These are a few safety tips. The USFS offers a more detailed safety checklist for black bears.


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