Monday, December 12, 2011

Great Idea for Preventing Frozen Water Bottles

Last week I presented some tips for preventing water bottles from freezing solid while hiking in cold weather.

In the posting I mentioned that if you�re storing water bottles in your backpack on a very cold day, you may need to insulate them to prevent them from freezing. Using an old wool sock will work. I also mentioned that you may want to turn the bottle upside down to prevent the water from freezing at the neck.

A couple of days after publishing this blog I learned of another trick. This comes courtesy of Christian Vande Velde, the pro cyclist and Tour de France veteran. Vande Velde told the Wall Street Journal that he spends part of his off-season training in his hometown of Chicago - in the dead of winter. Vande Velde said that he combats frozen water bottles by adding a half shot of Grand Marnier to the bottle before leaving his house.

I think he might be on to something!


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