Thursday, December 15, 2011

"First Hikes" Mark Arrival of New Year and 75th Anniversary of Tennessee State Park

Harkening back to the long-standing Gaelic tradition of �First Footing� as an outdoor beginning to meet the New Year, Tennessee State Parks will be kicking off 2012, and their 75th Anniversary year, with a series of �First Hikes� at each park. All 53 Tennessee State Park will sponsor a free, guided hike on either Sunday, January 1st or Monday, January 2nd to welcome the New Year.

Here's a small sampling of some of the hikes being offered:

Roan Mountain State Park: Join the park for a Ranger-led hike down the Tom Gray Trail as it meanders along the beautiful Doe River. Following the hike, return to the Conference Center to enjoy hot cocoa and homemade cookies by the hearth.

Norris Day State Park: Ranger-led, 10-mile hike along Lake View Trail and Norris Lake. Hike is rated moderate with lots of elevation change. Bring some snacks and we'll have a pot luck refreshment stop!

Frozen Head State Park: Ranger-led hike to Emory Gap Falls. From Visitor Center, we�ll car pool to the trail head for 2.5-mile hike and return to Visitor Center for hot cocoa

Cumberland Trail State Scenic Trail: �Gravelly Spur Hike at the Head of the Sequatchie� hike. Gravelly Spur Road led the earliest American settlers into Sequatchie Valley from Grassy Cove in the first decade of the 19th Century. This hike will explore possible segments of the road, some areas lined with beautiful dry stacked rock fencing, and a great view of the Hinch Mountain from the "back forty" at the Head of Sequatchie Resource Management Area.

For more information on these hikes, and hikes in all 53 state parks, please click here.


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