Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Utility Work to Affect Some Trails and Roads in Pisgah Ranger District

Officials for National Forests in North Carolina announced yesterday that utility maintenance is underway near Hwy 276 in the Pisgah Ranger District, and work may continue through March 31st.

As a result, sections of the following trails and roads may be closed at times between now and March 31st:

* Black Mountain Trail

* Art Loeb Trail between Davidson River Campground and the junction with the Estatoe Trail

* Buckhorn Gap Trail

* Avery Creek Trail

* Avery Creek Road

To ensure the continuity of electrical service for local residents, Progress Energy will fell a minimum number of trees along and around Hwy 276 in the Pisgah National Forest.

Activities affecting roads and trails will take place Monday - Friday; no felling of trees will occur on Saturdays or Sundays.


Related Post:

Avery Creek Trail
    Art Loeb Trail
      Black Mountain Trail
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