Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Smokies to Conduct Prescribed Burn Near Top of the World

Fire Management personnel at Great Smoky Mountains National Park have announced plans to conduct a 280 acre prescribed burn along the park boundary near Lake in the Sky and the Top of the World community in Blount County. The Lynn Hollow controlled burn is planned for a two day period between March 12-31, 2012. The specific date is dependent upon prevailing weather conditions. It is anticipated that residual smoke and mop-up activities could last for several days following burn operations.

The area to be burned is bounded by: Goldmine Trail, Cooper Road, Kingfisher Creek and Flats Road. Access to Goldmine Trail will be restricted during fire operations.

The purpose of this controlled burn is to reduce hazardous fuel accumulations in the vicinity of residential communities (wildland - urban interface) and to restore a diverse and functioning eco-system. The Lynn Hollow area has been impacted by pine bark beetles resulting in a high fuel load of dead and down woody materials. Using fire in a controlled burn will help to reduce the likelihood of an uncontrollable wildfire while helping to restore the yellow pine/hardwood forest.


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